
Griffin is 20 today.

I can't believe we've arrived here...I can't believe I am old enough to have a 20 year old son!  He is a full grown adult and absolutely living life his own way, on his own terms and doing it quite well.  Griffin is living in a small town in Germany with his girlfriend and 2 cats.  He is currently in a nursing program that also allows him to work in their local hospital (his school/work life is completely in German!)  He's been able to spend some time traveling around Germany, exploring his community, and forming lovely connections with his girlfriend's family.  While we miss him so very much, we are so proud of him and the way he is making it happen.  And of course, hoping for a visit very soon!  Happy Birthday, Griffin.  We love you! Birthday Interview What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? None What pets do you have? Iris and Daisy, my kitties Where did you work or study this year? Hufeland Klinikum Where is 1 place you really want to go? Eg

Watch out world, here she comes! Lucy is a very sweet 16 today.

  Our baby girl is 16 today.  This has been an extraordinary year for her.  She has dominated her academics, was a leader on her future problem solvers team, and was part of a marching band that competed in finals at the State level.  She is interesting and kind and bold in her own way.  We are so proud of the person she is becoming!  All that AND she recently received her acceptance email to the Gatton Academy !!  It is a two-year residential STEM program on the Western Kentucky University campus in Bowling Green, KY.  It's basically college with training wheels.  This was a goal she started with Grandad Lowbridge many, many moons ago and although we will miss her like crazy....I can't wait to watch my daughter SOAR!  Birthday Interview What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? Marching band, academic team, literature club  What pets do you have? Cookie and Juniper  What do you want to be when you grow up? something to do with biology? Where is 1 place you r

Griffin is 19.

My heart is all jumbled up on this big day.  Last July, Griffin moved to Muhlhausen; Germany to attend university and live with his love, Alicia.     He has regaled us with stories of exploring Berlin, using the train system on his one hour/each way commute every day to school,  embracing the traditions and holidays of his new community,  learning to live independently and all the responsibilities it entails and perhaps the biggest challenge of all...becoming fluent in German.   I am so proud of him.  This is what we raised him for, to be independent, to have big dreams, to work hard to make your goals a reality.  I am stunned by his bravery, joyful at his quest for adventure and impressed by his commitment.  And today, like most everyday, I carry a deep ache to hug my son, to go to bed and know he is tucked in safely just a few feet away, to make him a birthday fruit pizza and snap pictures when he blows out the candles.  I will content myself to video chat with my guy tonight and spe

Happy Birthday Lucy!

My sweet girl is 15 today!  She is so cool and I feel super lucky to be her Mama.   It has been a year of MAJOR SUCCESS...she received the award for highest GPA at the 8th grade promotion ceremony.   A year of HARD WORK...her marching band competed at the state level this year.   A year of GRAND ADVENTURE...we went to Scotland with her Granny, Aunties and cousin Ally, in October.    A year of NEW LOVE...we welcomed our new furry friend, Juniper, into our lives.  And a year of BIG CHANGES...Lucy has adjusted wonderfully to be being a Freshman.   We could not be more proud of our smart, sweet, kind, talented, sassy daughter.  She is an  original and she is AMAZING.   Birthday Interview What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? Marching Band, Academic Team, Beta Club and Literature Club What pets do you have? Juniper, Cookie and the fish What do you want to be when you grow up? Something in a STEM field Where is 1 place you really want to go? Tokyo with Lily! What is y