Not a whole lot happening here at the moment. It has been chilly and wet and Griffin is on Spring Break, so we have pretty much been just sticking close to home. We all have colds so that gives us even more incentive to veg out. I have gotten a few projects tackled - we cleaned out the attic, switched all our clothes over to spring/summer wardrobes and I've gotten all the April birthday gifts I've been working on wrapped and packaged to mail. Next stop - post office.
I am realizing that since Griffin will start kindergarten here the first week of August, we need to get our summer plans hashed out. W have been trying to coordinate with friends/family and have some visits/visitors planned for the next few months - YEAH! It is not too late - plenty of weekends open. We would love for YOU to come for a visit too!
Lucy had her 1 year well baby appointment yesterday. Guess what - total deja vu!!! She is 50% in height and head size but.....5% in weight. The doctor was a little freaked out about it but I just told her, look at the big brother, the father, this is natural for her. And...she is a great eater like her brother - eats a ton of veggies, fruits and whole grains which fill her up. I agreed to put butter on everything, give her even more cheese and yogurt and switch water for whole milk only for the next 3 months and that seemed to satisfy the doctor. Lucy is a little ahead of the curve for speech and movement - I think she is too busy learning to put on the pounds. Besides, if being skinny is her biggest problem in life - well, she just about has it made, right!!! The doctor also wants me to wean her off the pacifier and this is another area where I totally disagree. Griffin gave his up at 2, no problem and I will let Lucy have hers until then also. She is a fantastic sleeper and becoming a good self-soother when she gets upset or hurt and she uses her pacifier then. It is hard for me to stand up to this Dr. because she is kind of aggressive, but I think it is good practice. I am going to have to stand up for my kids to teachers, coaches and who know who else, over the years to come. As I watch Griffin turn into such an amazing kid, my confidence as a mother grows. I just need to listen to my inner voice and stick with what I know is working for us.
So, that is us. As soon as something happens that is worthy of a photo, I will share it!! :) Peace.


4cheeseheads said…
The doctors only see our kids a few times each year, how do they really know them. Yes, they have guidelines to follow but it comes down to each kid on an individual basis. You have experienced all of this first hand with Griffin and I know your doing what's best for Lucy. Good job sticking to your feelings.

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