My heart is all jumbled up on this big day. Last July, Griffin moved to Muhlhausen; Germany to attend university and live with his love, Alicia. He has regaled us with stories of exploring Berlin, using the train system on his one hour/each way commute every day to school, embracing the traditions and holidays of his new community, learning to live independently and all the responsibilities it entails and perhaps the biggest challenge of all...becoming fluent in German. I am so proud of him. This is what we raised him for, to be independent, to have big dreams, to work hard to make your goals a reality. I am stunned by his bravery, joyful at his quest for adventure and impressed by his commitment. And today, like most everyday, I carry a deep ache to hug my son, to go to bed and know he is tucked in safely just a few feet away, to make him a birthday fruit pizza and snap pictures when he blows out the candles. I wi...
loving the pink Converse high tops!
love you, miss you!