Headed Down Under.

I have recently had the pleasure of getting to know this amazing woman, Holly. She is one of those ladies, filled up with ENERGY that I recognized immediately upon meeting as a Friend. And although I've know her only a short while, I will miss her presence immensely. You see, today she moves back to Australia. So friends, say a prayer, light a candle, send easy traveling juju her way today!
This is our meditation posse (missing our fearless leader, Hilary, due to a family emergency). We spent Monday night enjoying quiet and peace and mindfulness one last time as this group. Being thankful for what has transpired, making room for new experiences and relationships.

So Holly, I wish you safe travels and an amazing journey, dear friend.

"My desire to slip away from the stories and the choices we make to secure our identity in everyday life has borne fruit again and again. To go on a pilgrimage, I discovered, you do not need to know what you are looking for, only that you are looking for something, and need urgently to find it. It is the urgency that does the work, a readiness to receive that finds the answers." - Janine Pommy Vega


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