
Last months Bon Appetit informed me, much to my dismay, that cupcakes are OUT, and whoopie pies and macaroons are IN. Being a sucker for dessert trends, I knew I had to try to make one of those. There were a few recipe items I couldn't get in this town for the macaroons so I decided to take a shot at the whoopie pies. I have never really had one before but I was somewhat familiar with them as they had just featured them on my beloved Top Chef. I made them with a peppermint butter cream and chocolate ganache filling. They were a little time intensive but not that much more than pretty cupcakes. I didn't think the cookie part was moist enough, but my eager taste testers assured me it was. The kids loved them and they are not nearly as messy as a cupcake. Not a dessert I would make often, but definitely a recipe I will hang on to.


C. Michele said…
Soooo good.

How long did yours store for? I put mine in the fridge (probably a bad idea) but today they tasted pretty gross.

Hilary said…
Christi Gast said…
I didn't refridgerate and they all were eaten. I think Lucy had the last one on day four.
C. Michele said…
Thought you might enjoy this:

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