Curious Griffin

All is well here at the Gast household. My brain has been so busy with details, I have not had any left over brain matter with which to blog. SOOOO many things going on right now. With THE END quickly approaching (Bruce will graduate in June) there are so many decisions to start making. Firstly, when do we put the house on the market? The housing market in this area is terrible and we certainly don't want to be stuck when it is time to move. On the other hand, we wouldn't want to sell it too soon and be somewhat homeless for a few months ....with a toddler. I have been watching HGTV like a maniac (the way I watched baby shows P.G.) and am trying to sort through the advice. My absolute favorite is "House Hunters". I love watching the couples trying to compromise - what is more important, his 3 car garage or her gourmet kitchen?? I love seeing the strange and unusual things people have in their homes, regardless of the fact that it is going to be on national TV. Anyways, I digress. So, "they" say you should remove everything in your house that is smaller than a football when showing your home. As someone with an obsession with everything miniature, this is an overwhelming task!!! Bruce and I are hoping to sneak away from the family for a day or two over the long Thanksgiving weekend to try to get the process started of getting the house ready to show. I have also been trying to get some of my Christmas shopping started and I have picked up an extra night at Vino's. Not to mentions trying to squeeze in a few social engagements! :)
Griffin and I have stayed busy as usual. He took his first picture last week at playgroup:

That is our beautiful friend Melanie. I thought that was pretty good for a first try. Here is Griffin and Melanie's boy, Jack. Can't you see them at 17??

Griff's other first this week was watching his first movie. After dinner last night we all put our PJ's on and curled up to the couch to watch this:

It was a pretty good movie for what it was. It would not have saddened us if it was a half hour shorter. The Jack Johnson soundtrack was definitely the highlight. Griffin sat and watched the movie totally mesmerized. We knew who Griffin liked best because EVERY TIME he wasn't on screen we would hear "Where's George??" Maybe he is ready to see his first movie on the silver screen...penguins anyone?

I am starting to get in the mode for Thanksgiving. I really try to use this time to focus on the gifts I already have in my life before the gift-giving season begins. I will share more of those thoughts later on in the week.


MountainWave said…
Good luck with preparing the house. We feel and understand the strain.

We love yous!

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