Lucy Loo is 3 today
Birthday Interview
Age? 3
Grade? -
Your teachers this year? -
What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? Library Story Hour
What pets do you have? Lottie and Zedy
What do you want to be when you grow up? “Play in my room?”
Where is 1 place you really want to go? Gran and MorMor’s house
What is your favorite………….
o Subject in school? -
o Meal? Shells n’ Cheese
o Fruit? Juicy Grapes
o Vegetable? Carrots
o Dessert? Birthday Cake
o Candy? Lollipops
o Drink? Apple Juice
o Animal? Lion and Zebra
o Thing to do inside? Painting
o Thing to do outside? Playing in the sandbox
o Kind of music? Kids music
o Song? Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode (looonnng story!)
o Place we visited this year? Camping
o Chore around the house? Help unload the dishwasher (and she’s really good at it!)
o Thing to do with Mama? Help cook
o Thing to do with Papa? Read Books
o Thing to do with Griffin? Play in my room
o T.V. show? Tinga Tinga Tales (such an amazing show! -JAMBO!)
o Movie? Scooby Doo movies
o Toy? Leap Frog Leaptop
o Book? The Animal Book
o Day of the week? Monday – Mama and Lucy stay home day
o Holiday? Halloween
o Season? Fall
o Piece of clothing? Pj’s
o Sound? Burps (I totally blame Griffin for this!)
o Smell? cupcakes
o Color? Yellow
Aunt Sara & Uncle Leo
Love, Auntie Lexi