lots of babies

Spring has finally broke into Michigan. The trees are starting to get the green haze, the temperature allows you to roll up your pants another inch as each hour passes, and the sun is kissing the earth like high school kids meeting behind the bleachers. It is time for the landscape to come alive. As this may be our last spring in Michigan for a while, we are determined to enjoy every minute of it! Saturday, for example, was a festival of cuteness.
Bruce, Griffin and I, along with the Mom's (both birthday girls last week) headed up to MSU for our annual baby animal pilgrimage.
Our first stop was at the "bird barn". Griffin was almost as into the Emu as the Emu was into him.
But now the baby Emus where a different story altogether. Bruce had to explain to Griff over and over why he was not allowed to get into the pen with them. I totally got it, they were so cute and fluffy and hyper...I kind of wanted to play with them too.

This year, like last year, Griff was totally into riding the bus. I think it is quite a rush for him to be in a moving vehicle with out being securely strapped into his usual 5 PART HARNESS.
Next we were off to the horse barns. As soon as we got off the bus, some students were trying to sell us raffle tickets. I thought, sure, I was an Ag student once upon a time, I know how hard it is to get people excited about our work, I'll help out. Assuming of course the prize would be like a $20 gift card or something. So, as I am about to plunk down my money I casually ask about the prize...and I am not kidding here, they were giving away a PONY. For a dollar raffle ticket. To a bunch of suburbanites out to provide their kid with a little culture. Needless to say, I didn't buy a ticket. Luckily, Griffin is to young to have comprehended what was going on or we would be bound to hear about how we could have won the pony for the next 10 years or so.

Unfortunately the Moms, had a not so happy engagement they had to attend, so that left the three of us to explore the third stop on our own. It was mad crazy people packed. There were like 45 people for every animal. Each of us parents shuffling and pushing our children around for the best view, the best photo op. Bruce and I got dragged into the melee for about 3 minutes before we looked at each other and knew...this is not who we are, not the people we want to be...nothing is so important for us to urge our child to push, scoot, slip past others for a front view spot. It was definitely time to go. On our way out though, Griff did get some hands on time with the not so crowded snake.
On the way back to the Mom's house, we stopped for a quick lunch at one of my favorite college haunts, Traveler's Club International Restaurant and Tuba Museum.

It was a very good day.


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