The Goalseeker?
Griffin started his next round of soccer games last weekend. His team is called the Goalseekers , although, as he is the only one on the team actually playing the game, I think they should be called the Goalseeker plus a few other kids with the same t-shirt on. This is how most of the game looked. Our team had a hard time rounding up 5 kids out of 10 to play each quarter. They spent most of the time crying on the sidelines, rolling around in the grass disappointing their parents (much like the Republican House yesterday.... hehehe , ok that joke tells you just how obsessed with politics we've gotten up in here - we are total dorks!) Our little guy though, was a STAR. He played all but the last minute of the game and most of the time controlled the ball. He was constantly surrounded by the other team, who was a little more with it. Amazingly his team ended up winning because Griffin was able to get the ball near the net and twice a player from the other team accidentall...