
Now that Griffin is a big pre-school boy, we are letting him take some grooming responsibilities on. I wasn't completely sure he was ready but 2 Saturdays ago, I was nursing Lucy and he says to me, "I think I will go get ready." I wasn't exactly sure what he meant, but figured it couldn't be bad. Griffin was able to brush his teeth, was his face and hands, pick out an outfit for the day and get totally dressed by himself - his pj's even ended up in the hamper! I know much older kids who do not have the focus to complete such a lenghty process on their own. I was so proud of my little guy for taking that initiative. Of course, if I ask him to do those tasks sometimes he does it and sometimes he just can't, but at least he has shown he is ready to work on it. In the picture, he is holding a Johnson and Johnson buddies bar. A friend gifted us with a bar to try and I love it. It is a soap bar with a spongy coating. If you are trying to teach a toddler to wash themselves this is an excellent product. It suds up really easily, is easy to grip and last a long time - and it costs about a buck.


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