Save us from them!!!

OK so I have been trying to respect my friends and family of the republican persuasion by not talking about the election as much as I would like every freakin' minute. I love this country, this planet and my children so much that I cannot help but be obsessed by what is going down right now. Sarah "pitbull" Palin has totally put me over the edge! PLEASE, PLEASE take the time to read this article, an AP report, that deals with some of the "truthiness" of Palin's speech last night. And for a real treat, check out what Heather at said today...I could never have said it better myself!!


Anonymous said…
You might also want to read Paul Klugman's article in the New York Times, 8-4-08, OP-ED page. Thanks for the connect to's a time to spread the TRUTH! Mom
Anonymous said…
I too am finding it hard to bite my tongue!!! I am so disgusted by the fact the McCain ticket actually thinks that just because I am a woman,I will vote for one regardless of whether she has experience or not!! People have to remember the she could be president in an instant - WHERE THE HELL WOULD THAT LEAVE US THEN? I too was also disturbed by the AP article and the
way Palin spewed lie after lie.
WAKE UP AMERICA - We don't need another helping of what Bush has been cramming down our throats for 8 years...I don't know about you but I am ready to try something new!!!!
Whew! That felt good!
Anonymous said…
oops...that's Krugman and the article is called "The Resentment Strategy"
Christi Gast said…
Great article Mom! I totally agree with Krugman's point of view. The link to it is:
Anonymous said…
Read Maureen Dowd today in the New York Times. The article is called "Vice in GO-GO Boots"...funny & scarry! Mom

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