27 Weeks Old

Bouncy Baby!
Interestingly, Lucy is not nearly as excited about the jumper as Griffin was. I guess that is because she is so darn cuddly...she would much prefer to be held. She sees it for what it is, a diversion so I can quickly get a few things done.
She has had an awesome eating week. She had carrots and peas for the first time. Loved carrots, not as crazy about the peas. I wonder, I love squash and carrots and hate peas. Is she becoming familiar with some flavors through breast milk that is warming her up for real food? I also found this product called Baby Mum Mum. She is crazy for these little rice rusks. Basically they are just hardened up rice cereal that dissolve in her mouth...and hands. They make meal times so much easier with her. Sunshine knows where her bread is buttered. We could see the excitement in her eye when we brought the high chair down from the attic!!


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