Well, folks, this whole blog thing is not happening right now.  It is always a little nagging thought in the back of my head...."You should update the blog!!!"'  But somehow, there just isn't enough time in the day and maybe a lack of motivation.  So...until further notice, this page will remain quietly here awaiting a burst of inspiration.  I absolutely expect to pick it back up sometime and really hope you will be back to read it!  In the meantime, catch me on Facebook www.facebook.com/ChristiGast, or my favorite sharing platform www.instagram.com/christigast.  You don't even have to have the app now that they are developing websites for users!!  Or visit my Wildtree website, www.mywildtree.com/cg
Catch y'all on the flippity-flip.  Big Love to all of you!!


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