Lucy is 8!

My darling girl is 8 today.  She is the effervescent bubbles of joy and light in our family.  Her sparkling eyes, awesome sense of humour and sweet gentleness makes her a favorite of those who know her.   She is so smart, has an incredible memory and an innate understanding of the world around her.  She is strong and athletic, she is somewhat shy to start but warms up quickly with new friends. She is a hard worker and you can count on her to make great choices and be respectful to everyone.  She adores her big brother but won't hesitate to stand up for herself and push back against his big personality when necessary.  She is already incredible and I am so so so thankful to be her Mama and to stand witness to her growth and maturity.   I treasured her as an infant, I championed her as a toddler, I giggled with her as a small child and I am am in love with getting to know who she is at 8.                                                               

Birthday Interview

Age? 8

Grade?  Second Grade

Your teachers this year? Mrs. Sandidge

What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? soccer, swimming lessons, yoga, dance, Super Saturdays

What pets do you have? Lottie, Zed, Cookie and tank full of colorful fish

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Zookeeper or Veterinarian

Where is 1 place you really want to go? Disney World (this dream is going to be coming true in MAY!!)

What is your favorite………….

o   Subject in school? P.E. and reading

o   Meal? Breakfast

o   Fruit? Peaches

o   Vegetable? Carrot

o   Dessert?  Cadubury Cream Eggs

o   Candy? Chocolate

o   Drink? Peach Mango Juice

o   Animal? Red Panda and her dogs

o   Thing to do inside? Play video games

o   Thing to do outside? Practice soccer and play with friends

o   Kind of music? Taylor  Swift

o   Song? "Shake it Off"


o   Place we visited this year? Gull Pond, Wellfleet, Cape Cod

o   Chore around the house? Empty dishwasher

o   Thing to do with Mama? Play games

o   Thing to do with Papa? Reading before bed

o   Thing to do with Griffin? Play Plants vs. Zombies

o   T.V. show? Amazing world of Gumball

o   Movie? My Neighbor Totoro


o   Toy? Equestria Girls and Beanie Boos

o   Book? Diary of a Wimpy Kid

o   Day of the week? Saturday

o   Holiday? Christmas

o   Season? Summer

o   Piece of clothing? Dresses

o   Sound? Music

o   Word? "derpy"

o   Smell?  birthday cake scented chapstick

o   Color? Purple


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