My baby is a teenager!

Lucy is 13 today! Wow.  I'm totally, legitimately Parenting Adolescents! (old reference for those who have known me forever).  Life is GOOD with two teenagers in the house.  It's been a year of intense togetherness and aloneness.  We spent many hours doing activities we enjoyed as a foursome, but also I think we each had more alone time than ever before.  It wasn't a year of making new friends, experiencing new places, trying new activities but it still provided plenty of personal growth opportunities.  Lucy has proven herself to be an exceptional student.  She grasps new concepts quickly, she is organized and has excellent time management skills, and she is engaged with the content.  She has deepened already existing friendships with school friends, her best friends Lily and her cousin Alethia during HOURS upon HOURS on facetime.  Her personality is so much like Bruce's.  It’s like watching a duck in a pond. ....being with her is relaxing.  She is fun and clever and peaceful.  But underneath the water, those feet are paddling hard.  There is so much going on in her mind all the time, big thoughts and big feelings that she only reveals occasionally to those closest to her.   It's so fun to watch Lucy discovering more and more of who she is and her sharing those revelations with us.  She is an incredible human now and I suspect she's only going to get better from here.  

Birthday Interview


Age? 13


Grade? 7th


Your teachers this year? Mr. Hambidge, Mr. Young, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Prevette, Ms. Sweeney, Ms. Lile, Ms. Bailey, Mr. Sparks, Mr. Wood, Ms. Russell, Ms. Dugger, Ms. Dickerson


What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? COVID-19 survivialists, Future Problem Solvers, Academic Team, Band, Beta Club


What pets do you have? a fish tank and Cookie


What do you want to be when you grow up? a lawyer


Where is 1 place you really want to go? Scotland

 What is your favorite………….


Subject in school? English


Meal? Lasagna Soup


Fruit? Raspberries


Vegetable? English cucumbers


Dessert? Ice Cream


Candy? Hi-Chew


Drink? La Croix (like mother, like daughter?)



Spirit Animal?  a fish


Thing to do inside? watch tv


Thing to do outside? run


Kind of music? indie rock


Song? I've got some falling to do by Lemon Demon

 Place we visited this year?  Cape Cod (literally the only place we went)

Chore around the house?  taking out recycling

Thing to do with Mama? watch tv shows ( we love our Criminal Minds!)



Thing to do with Papa? go on walks

Thing to do with Griffin? talk

 T.V. show? Haikyuu


Movie? Spirited Away

 App? YouTube


Book? Hollow City


Day of the week? Saturday


Holiday? Christmas


Season? summer


Piece of clothing? button down shirts


Sound? the opening of a La Croix can


Word? moss


Smell? brownies


Color? green



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