Lilacs are blooming TODAY!

Time to is finally SPRING in Michigan!! The lilacs are blooming and their sweet fragrance wafts on the air. Although their blossoms will only be here for a moment, what a moment!! I want to teach Griffin to focus on today and all the amazing things the earth is doing around him each season. To get the real essence of life, one needs to enjoy what is happening TODAY. I think that is one of the hardest aspects of being a Mama...I am tempted to focus on tomorrow -- having real coversations together, going to school, joining organized sports/arts/music groups. Yet, what a joy today will be with him. I want to enjoy every belly laugh, every time he puts a plate on his head and tells me it is a hat, when he utters the word "lilac" for the first time!


MountainWave said…
Yay, the Gasts have joined the blogging club. Cool stuff.
4cheeseheads said…
I completely agree with your message. We all get caught up in the daily routines and we forget to slow down and enjoy what is happening each day. Everynight when I put Jake to bed we talk about what happened that day. By reliving those moments we can appreciate what we have and be thankful.

PS. This blogging stuff is neat, I may need to start my own to keep in touch with my family/friends.
MountainWave said…
Sister, i LOOOOOVE this blog. you've got the sara snot factory workin'! I am bawling with joy to see LITTLE BOY Griffin George with lilacs in his face, to read your beautiful beautiful sentiments and thoughts, and to feel the sweet pulse of YOU as a mama and sister and important voice in our world.

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