We made it to 2 years!!!

Today is Griffin's 2nd birthday. I am so amazed at all the things he has taught me in such a short time!! He is talking with phrases now, and really communicating well. He is very athletic and needs to run everyday, just like a puppy! We had an awesome little party with him yesterday at the Moms' house. He was so happy to play with his buddy Jake and all his grandparents. We served his favorite foods (edamame, hummus, fruit, bean dip) and let him chow down on a HUMOUNGOUS piece of cake. He received his first vehicle to independence: a red Ryder tricycle!!! Now, if he can just get the hang of those pedals. My camera crapped out at the beginning of the party, so I will post more b-day pics that other people pass on to me!


MountainWave said…
Happy birthday to Griffin!!! He has a birthday box coming from Sri Lanka. We tried to fit monkeys in the box but they cause too much ruckus. We'll figure something out.

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