WHEW -- what a week

So, it has been a tough week here for Mama Gast. Griffin has been sick all week and I took him to the doctor on Wednesday. He has the beginning stages of strep throat. So, 2 days and 2 prescriptions later, we are finally making the turn for the better. A sick temperamental 2 1/2 year old is not a beast I would subject anyone to!! On the up side, last weekend we converted his bed to a day bed with great success. He is sleeping well in it and has even gotten up in the middle of the night to go potty and went back to bed on his own. I am really enjoying all of these little steps toward his maturity and growth. We have spent a ton of time inside this week (his being sick and the - 10 weather outside) and have worked on learning to use scissors, making things with play dough (versus just balling up each color and then moving on to the next) and reading books. His latest favorite quote is "Run, Run, Run, as fast as you can...you can't catch me, I'm the stinky cheese man" which he chants as he makes laps around the house. I, on the other hand, have been amusing myself with some pre-valentine's day baking. My newest creation:

I can't take the credit for the idea though, as I found it in a back issue of Real Simple magazine. You just cut the top off a cupcake, and put a dollop of red preserves on the bottom half. Meanwhile, use a 2" cookie cutter on the top and sprinkle with powdered sugar and reassemble. They are too cute and taste awesome but are best the day you make them. Overnight, the powdered sugar soaked into the cake and they didn't look as cute in the morning. Anyways, just a little idea for those looking for a Valentine's Day treat.
This weekend we are going to be painting the kitchen/dining/living/hall area a fresh coat of paint in preparation for getting the house ready to sell. I best get back to washing the walls. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said…
Your cupcakes are simalar to one Granma use to make. She would put lemon pudding inside the cake and take the top and cut it in half the sprinkle the pd sugar on and called them angel cupcakes. Your cousins still love them. Sorry to hear that Griffin was so ill. I remember those days well. Hope you don't get it now

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