32 Weeks Old

Lucy's teeth really popped up this week, I should know as they are very sharp. It has made nursing somewhat resemble a swim in shark infested waters - YAW OUCH. She is starting to use her voice to call for things, mainly Griffin. In the morning when she wakes up I will usually bring her into our bed for the morning feeding. Once she is really awake she lifts her head up and starts looking around and yelling, oy the yelling. It usually does the trick and beckons her big brother in. He is greeted by a HUGE smile and major arm flailing from her. She is getting really active in her Johnny jump-up, actually getting some air. We introduced apples and black beans into her diet this week. She loves the applesauce but not so much the beans. That may take some time...maybe I should have made her first protein pinto beans instead. She has realized she can get place by rolling, actually following us out of a room that way. She seems like she is getting the inkling of the idea of crawling and I expect we will start to see progress there next.


Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness...I cannot wait to play with her and make her giggle and kiss her little toes!! Dno can't
wait to ask Griffin to show him all
of his best soccer moves!!! 19 days
to go and I am counting them down!

Have a great weekend!!


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