Last soccer game for the Goalseekers.

Griffin had his last soccer game with the Goalseekers last Saturday. He really enjoyed this season. Being able to be a "leader" and strong player on his team did great things for his confidence level. Even at the last game, there was a bully on the other team that focused on Griffin, ramming his head into Griff's face at numerous times. Griffin would shed a few tears, but each time he was able to get it together and get back on the field. We were so proud.
**On a side note, when another kid pushed the bully down he started crying and could not get it together to play the last few minutes of the game. Isn't that the way, bullys can give it but not many can take it.***
He loves his trophy. Although he is sad that soccer is over, he is anxious to play basketball (the season starts in December I believe.)

And we are calling this little girl, Bethany, his first crush. She had zero interest in the game, but these two had a great time playing together off the field. More than once, Griffin would be chasing the ball, catch sight of her on the sidelines and make a crazy veer off into her direction...completely forgetting about the game.

She missed a game or two and he would spend all afternoon asking us where she was, why she didn't like to play, would she be at the next game. It was very sweet.


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