Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all those Papa's (and all those outstanding men who love the young 'uns in their lives as if they were their own) out there.  I am so thankful for this amazing man and so so thankful to have him as my co-parent.  His love, commitment and attention given to his children is rivaled by no man.  From building a special play list to listen to every time they make his homemade pizza together (my kids will never hear Purple People Eater without their mouths watering) to hours of playing Pokemon and Lions to making sure he is involved in every aspect of their care on a daily basis, my children have an extremely blessed relationship with their Papa. 

And to celebrate how much we love this dude, we headed down to the W.C. Handy Blues Festival in Henderson, KY last night.  It was an awesome night filled with great live music, much bouncing, glowing, dancing and picnicking. Here's a glimpse.


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