Happy Birthday, Griffin!

The big guy turns 9 today!!  Woot Woot!  AND it's the first day of summer vacation...what a lucky dude!  We are having a week of celebrations and he is enjoying every minute of it. 

Birthday Interview

Griffin 2013

Age? 9

Grade? Will be in 4th!

Your teachers this year? Mrs. Herring, Mrs. Boyd

What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? Soccer (Spring & Fall), Basketball, Super Saturdays, Archery, Talent Pool

What pets do you have? Lottie, Omar, Zed

What do you want to be when you grow up? A scientist that travels the world studying animals

Where is 1 place you really want to go? Africa


What is your favorite………….

o   Subject in school? Science

o   Meal? Spaghetti Carbonera

o   Fruit? watermelon

o   Vegetable? Carrots

o   Dessert? Cupcakes

o   Candy? Cadbury Cream Eggs

o   Drink? Milk

o   Animal? Nile Crocodile

o   Thing to do inside? Play wii

o   Thing to do outside? Play “donkey kong and diddy kong” with Lucy

o   Kind of music? Rock n’ Roll

o   Song? Gangum Style

o   Place we visited this year? Cape Cod

o   Chore around the house? Recycling

o   Thing to do with Mama? Talk and take hikes

o   Thing to do with Papa? Play games

o   Thing to do with Lucy? EVERYTHING

o   T.V. show? Incredible Crew

o   Movie? Clue

o   Toy? Legos

o   Book? The Dragon’s Eye

o   Day of the week? Tuesday

o   Holiday? Christmas

o   Season? Winter

o   Piece of clothing? Hoodie

o   Sound? My own voice

o   Word? Griffin

o   Smell? Something delicious cooking

o   Color? Red, white and blue
You can read past interviews here, here, here, and here.


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