Cancer sucks.

This is not the way in which I imagined getting the blog going again.  Bruce and I try to live a pretty authentic life for the most part.  We believe in relationships, we believe in community and we believe in the power of positive energy.  We are beginning an unknown path, a journey we never asked for, never dreamed we would take.  I write to you now, inviting you to join us in this sacred space.  We need your encouragement, your wishes for health and strength and vitality, your healing prayers, your spirit and your energy.  We need to call upon our tribe, far and wide, to join us in this battle to stay positive and beat cancer.  In return I will do my best to keep this blog updated with reports of how Bruce's treatments are going and tales of what life is like right here, right now.  It may not always be pretty, but I will strive to keep it real.
OK, motives revealed, y'all ready for the nitty gritty?
Bruce has cancer, single plasmacytoma to be exact about it.  He has been dealing with neck pain for well over a year and seen several different health professionals about it.  Finally a couple of weeks ago he saw a new Dr.  He had a physical and the Dr. told him everything came back great, that he was really healthy, BUT Bruce insisted that he go ahead and get an x-ray on the neck, you know, just to be sure.  The x-ray revealed a large tumor growing between the vertebrae near the top of his spinal column, actually touching the spinal cord.  Next stop...MRI.  The MRI was able to give a better picture of this tumor and had the Dr. calling us in for an immediate consultation.  That was last Thursday.  About a week ago, we heard the word CANCER in relation to one of us for the first time.  What a horrible freaking day that was.  Since then Bruce has endured a CT scan, 2 biopsies, gallons of blood being drawn and a 24 hr. urine collection (the biggest indignity of it all!)  Friday morning it was confirmed...cancer.  So the good news is that this is a very treatable type of cancer, Bruce's prognosis is very good and so far it has only been found manifesting in this one place.  
So, we are on to the battle plans, radiation therapy.  On Tuesday morning, we will meet with his cancer doctor, Dr. S, to do the radiation planning.  The radiation team will spend 2-3 hours setting up the radiation machine to meet Bruce's specific needs.  On Wednesday morning, we will meet with a second cancer doctor, Dr. K to get a second opinion on Bruce's diagnosis.  We will also decide if there needs to be more testing done (such as a bone marrow biopsy) to make sure that Bruce has not moved into the second stage of this cancer, myeloma.  On Thursday morning,  Bruce will meet with his Dentist.  Getting radiation so close to his mouth will present a myriad of side effects, one of which could be the cause of "dry mouth" by disrupting the salivary glands.  This could cause rapid tooth decay.  As a preventative measure, Bruce will get a special fluoride treatment.    If all goes as planned, radiation therapy will begin on Monday, Sept. 30th. 
So, I am guessing some of you are asking yourself "What can I do?"  as the people we have told thus far have asked.  Send us loving healing thoughts, pray for us, light a candle for us, help me surround Bruce with the positive energy that will sustain him through the weeks and months ahead.  Please share the link to this blog with anyone who knows and loves Bruce and who wants to stay informed of his progress. 
Until next time, dear ones, 
May you be Happy.
May you be Healthy.
May you be Safe.
May you live with Ease.


Katie Williams said…
Sending, feeling, thinking, loving thoughts, stregth, healing energy your guys way.
Thank you for keeping us updated. We are standing strong with you guys!
Dikke said…
Good positive energy is headed your way from the Capehouse every day. Thanks for doing the blog...we really want to be with you every step of the way...a great way to keep us involved.
Dikke mormor
Lesa said…
Christi, I haven't known you long and briefly meet your family but those few hours at your home I could feel you being a very uplifting strong person. Cancer Sucks! Will be sending you postive energy and thoughts.
Lesa Faughender
Unknown said…
Christy and Bruce,
Brent and I will be praying for you as you enter this scary chapter of your life. May God be with you. We are praying for the doctors to know how to treat Bruce and for you all to endure. I know you (Christy) and the kids will be there for you Bruce when you are feeling down. You have two great kids and they love you both so much.
Adrianne said…
You are certainly right cancer sucks.... Be positive, love, live with happy thoughts,and make every day count. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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