The Eastern Shore, VA

The Gast family has logged many miles and many smiles in the last few days. Our trip to Virginia went very well, travel delays aside (we can thank Northwest for that!). Our little flyer did terrific and received an amazing amount of attention, thanks to his little cap.

The Eastern Shore offers an eclectic mix of seaside, farmland and tiny villages. Although surrounded by water, the Chesapeake Bay on one side, the Atlantic ocean on the other, there is really only two beaches available. This is a boater's/fisherman's paradise. Many bays and inlets surrounded by marsh allow for a fantastic array of sea life.

Bruce's interview went really well. He was told that the hospital would be making a final decision by the end of the month so it may be a few weeks before we know anything for sure. I think our favorite part of the trip was an evening spent in Cape Charles, having a fantastic dinner at Aqua and frolicking in the bay at sunset.

We are home for a few days now, all nursing bad colds. We will be hitting the road again on Saturday morning, headed for another interview in Kentucky. Hope you all are well, and we will catch up with you when we get back next week.


4cheeseheads said…
This place looks gorgeous. So different from life in Detroit. Your photos are beautiful. Love the shots playing in the water at sunset. Looking forward to talking with you after your KY trip to hear your thoughts on where you would like to end up.

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