Bruce starts his new job on August 20th!! It is all happening soooo quickly. So, so much to do in such a small amount of time (moving day will probably be Aug. 14th or so). Due to a little detail (Sunshine), we will not be able to live in the rental home we were originally planning to use, so now we are officially scrambling to find a place to live down there for a few months until we can buy something. Although, the Moms have been real peaches and offered to take care of Sunshine for us until we can bring her down, we still want to try to find a place that will accommodate her. Life just isn't as sweet without her around. Because the town is so small, I am not having very much luck with the Internet for finding housing so I am hoping I can talk to some people down there on Monday. We also need to start working with a mover and getting the dates set, although, it will be helpful to know whether or not our new place will be furnished.....need to make plans with friends....need to sell house.....need to, need to, need to...... You all can see where this is headed! I am officially promising all of you and my lovely boys that I am going to take one day at a time, one task at a time, one moment at a time. And if I start freaking out, feel free to remind me to settle down!!! I'll keep you updated, as the plan comes together.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations!!! I am very happy for all of you. I know your mom sure will miss you.

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