The Move

So, I have to say, the move was not as bad as I expected, really! The truck showed up on time, the guys were really nice and professional and in a matter of hours, the house was totally empty. It was so strange to walk through it like that. I moved in years after Bruce had bought the house so I had never seen it like that. It felt haunted is not the right word, more like energy-filled. Like my memories and strong emotions felt there are still in the air, in a positive way. It was a good house for us...I literally met Bruce in that living room for the first time, we fell in love there, we got engaged there, I got dressed for my wedding there, we had a baby there...I could go on and on. But as incredible as all that was, it was time to let the house go and bring our memories and love with us to the next chapter. Click on my new flickr badge on right for photos of moving day. Peace, y'all.


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