New Friends

We were lucky enough to make a new friend on the day we moved into this house in Madisonville. While this friend was no help with lifting boxes, sweeping cobwebs out of corners or unpacking kitchen supplies, it did entertain Griffin for hours.

I've never actually seen one of these guys up close and personal, so needless to say, I ran for the camera.

We haven't seen one since that very first day, but there have been plenty other BIG bugs to entertain us. I really have enjoyed the chorus of insects that fills the air 24 hours a day down is a comforting noise that reminds me just how many other little friends we share this planet with.


4cheeseheads said…
Does Griffin's new mantis friend have a name?
Christi Gast said…
Nope, no name. We actually have never seen him/her again.

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