Sprout is a GIRL!
She is healthy, active and right on schedule. Words cannot express how excited, thankful and blissfully happy we are right now. I will write more after this glow in my heart settles down a bit.


Anonymous said…
YAHOO!!! I am so happy for you guys. One of each is very special and maybe another Christina? That will call for a family portrait of all four Christinas.
Anonymous said…
I am so happy for you. God Bless.

4cheeseheads said…
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I axiously waited for your post last night. There we tears in my eyes when I heard you were having a girl. You and Miss Sprout are going to have many wonderful experiences together. Bruce will have Daddy's little girl, and Griffin will learn to care for, love and protect his baby sister. I can picture you right now with a gleaming, glowing smile on your face.

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