
So, firstly, I have to brag on my sister, Jessica a bit. Look at this gorgeous quilt she made for Lucy.

She even embroidered the names and birth dates for all the "Christinas" that we have info. about.

What a sweet, sweet treasure to gift my daughter with. It is almost to special to use, but what a shame that would be if Lucy never cuddled up with it! I am so thankful to all the women that took their time and put their hearts into handmade gifts for Griffin and now Lucy.

Jessica has really been an inspiration to me in recent months. With her encouragement, I have been getting back into creating - something that is so vitally important for my soul. I always feel truly me, truly happy in my skin when I am using my hands to create something.

The quilt block club has been so fun. The themes have been interesting and the monthly commitment forces me to take the time that I might otherwise miss. I don't think I have posted any of my squares since March - here is what I've done since then. We had a few people drop out right at the beginning so I've done some themes twice.
April & July - theme is Twinkle, Twinkle for a baby girl

May & August - theme is black & white

June - theme is bright and vibrant with lapis blue

I believe that they are starting the process of organizing the club for next year and there are sure to be some open slots (group max. is 12). If you would be interested in joining in, comment here or e-mail me and I will get you connected to the right person.
Wait till you see what I am working on now...I'll post when they are finished...soon, I hope!


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