Happy Birthday, Lucy!!

Wow!!!  It's been a loooong time since I've posted here.  I can't break with tradition though....and so in honor of Lucy's FIFTH birthday........
Birthday Interview

Age? 5

Grade? Pre-school (2nd year)

Your teachers this year? Ms. Amy, Ms. Karen, Ms. Sonya

What activities/sports/clubs were you involved in this year? soccer

What pets do you have? Lottie, Zed and Omar

What do you want to be when you grow up? Zookeeper

Where is 1 place you really want to go? Cape Cod to swim at the beach


What is your favorite………….

o   Subject in school? Play outside

o   Meal? tacos

o   Fruit? Strawberries and Raspberries

o   Vegetable? Green beans

o   Dessert? cupcakes

o   Candy? Smartie Jelly Beans

o   Drink? Gatorade (Thank you, Granddad Lowbridge! ;)

o   Animal? Dragons

o   Thing to do inside? play with Baby Alive

o   Thing to do outside? Ride my Bike

o   Kind of music? ??

o   Song? Beep Beep (For those of you who aren't familiar with it, see video below. Of course, there is the requisite racing around the house that goes along with it here!)

o   Place we visited this year? Cape Cod

o   Chore around the house? Wipe down the table

o   Thing to do with Mama? Feeding Baby Alive
o   Thing to do with Papa? Play in my room

o   Thing to do with Griffin? Play with toys

o   T.V. show? Incredible Crew

o   Movie? Clue

o   Toy? Zoobles

o   Book? My Little Pony book (it's the longest book she has.)

o   Day of the week? Friday

o   Holiday? Halloween

o   Season? Spring

o   Piece of clothing? Unicorn shirt

o   Sound? Papa playing his guitar

o   Word? I Love You

o   Smell? Cinnamon rolls

o   Color? Gold


You can look at Lucy's other interviews here, here and here.  Bruce's post about her birth is here and mine is here.


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