the matter of Me

I have made a point of focusing on Me lately. As a Mama, I am constantly fighting the guilt for this even though I know that is totally INSANE! In my mind I know I need and deserve to spend time on myself and that in the end this will make me a better Mama, wife and friend. So in honor of my, Ugh is it really???, 33rd birthday which is quickly approaching I have decided to gift myself with some time and attention.
The first goal is to pay attention to my body everyday. I have done this by adding a short workout followed by a short yoga session into my schedule everyday (I have only missed one day in almost a month) and when time and weather permits, a nice long walk. Next, my spirit. I have started reading a few books discussing connecting with your spiritual side and I have added a few minutes for meditation after yoga each day. Also, my creative side. I have embraced my new favorite hobby, sewing, and after the kids are in bed I sew for an hour or two 5 or 6 nights a week. Such a good replacement for zoning out on the sofa! And finally, to become better at nourishing myself and my family, I am trying one new recipe every week.
Although this has put a time crunch on my day, (less long leisurely phone calls, less blogging, less TV time) I feel GREAT. More energized, more clear minded, more accomplished. I really do have more to give my family, my home, my community, after meeting my own needs. I am sure I will post more on these changes in the months to come.
So here is a little of what I have been working on:
For the block swap, a floral pinwheel theme.
And, for the block of the month club at my local quilting store,
My goal is to have this quilt finished for Lucy before she transitions to a big bed...I think I can do it! There are 6 really important women in my life that have April birthdays and their gifts are also taking much time. I will try to show pictures after the gifts are given!


Anonymous said…
You CANNOT feel guilty about wanting and needing to take care of "you" because without a strong "you" there cannot be a strong "them" and "they" will appreciate it so much in the long run!
It's ok to love yourself because we sure do!!!

4cheeseheads said…
Thanks for sharing this. It is very motiviating. What a great thing you are doing for yourself, spirit and body. And everyone (most importantly yourself) benefits from it. It's not easy to change old habits, but your committed to this and are already getting great results from it, I know you can stick to it.

I love your quilt blocks you are getting very good.

Enjoy your birthday week. Miss you, love you.

janine said…
Christi, this is such a great post . . . SO true! I also struggle with the guilty feelings; a the same time, I know how much better I am when I'm away from the kids a bit.

And I LOVE all your quilting! I tried sewing, but have never been very good at it. I'm jealous of your skills ;).
Louise said…
Your being very smart Christi to take time for yourself. Don't forget that special time with Bruce either. Even a drive to the DQ for a cone and time away by yourselves is so important. You should try a date night weekly.
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear one.
Aunt Louise
Anonymous said…
Thanks for speaking for all of us women and giving us great inspiration

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