My sweetie-pies

Griffin and Lucy are having such a great time playing together and I am constantly amazed by how big they are growing!!
Lucy is taking 10 steps at a time and last night she gave Griffin her first kiss. Before when asked for a kiss, she would present you with a cheek. Last night she was practicing walking from me to Bruce to Griffin and when she reached Griffin she have him a big ol' smakaroo on his cheek. He was so happy and we all clapped - learning to show and share your love is a big achievement.

Griffin is so so so ready to start kindergarten. He has been keeping busy playing with the neighborhood kids, setting up huge scenes in his room with his playmobil knights and pirates and loving riding his bike.
Every 3 - 4 days we have to go to the pet store to buy live crickets for Zed. Our goal this summer was for Griffin to be able to go in and purchase them alone and he met it this morning. I am soooo proud of him. He was able to go in, ask for what he wanted, pay and get change, give his phone number (they track your account for coupons this way), get the crickets and come back out to the car. Not bad for only being 5!!! (It helps that we live in a small town and the pet store workers know him now.)
I love watching all the learning happening around here!


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