An Update.
Wow, 10 days since my last post - LAME! I will offer you a few excuses though.
1. SUMMER!!!! We are having an absolute blast with Griffin out of school. I am enjoying watching my two wee ones play together and deepen an already tight bond. Many hours are spent playing in the sprinkler or sandbox, at the playground, free movies or on play dates.
2. ENRICHMENT!!! Trying to avoid the dreaded "summer slide" and keep the wee one's little brains turning. We are part of the library's summer reading program (they each have their own session) plus reading lots together. Art projects and cooking lessons. Also, Lucy has started a summer speech therapy class.
3. Keep Mama Sane!!! In an effort to provide for my needs as well as everyone elses I have been making time for myself. A few years ago, blogging would have been something I would have listed, but these days, my needs are different. I have been setting my alarm for 1 1/2 hrs before Bruce leaves for work so that I can take Lottie for a long sunrise walk (Sometimes, for a week at a time, this is 5:40 AM, y'all!!!) I am trying to fit yoga and mediation into as many days as possible. I attend a weekly mediation class that afterward tends to lead to wine time with some of my dearest friends. I have been reading alot lately, letting someone else's story percolate and provide me nourishment for my own creative process. Thread Head Designs has been keeping my sewing machine busy, but I am also working on some concepts for some new art projects that I am eager to begin working on. And, I am not going to lie...I dig the occasional nap!
4. Housework! Yeah, I know, that sucks. BUT, here's the thing, with having our house on the market, I have even more pressure than my own neurosis to try to keep the house as clean as possible at all times.
5. The Real Housewives of...... yeah, I am hanging my head in shame, but in full-disclosure, if I have an hour of downtime at night, I am going straight to the DVR menu and watching the latest trainwreck. And my beloved Keith is back on the air!!!!
6. Keeping it marriage that is. Even though, I have been blessed with such an amazing and strong marriage I want to keep Bruce on the list. It is something I am constantly trying to be better at and keep alot of energy focused on. No matter how great it is today, I know it can be even deeper and more wonderful tomorrow.
7. I had a HUGE garage sale last weekend, and unless you've done one recently, you have no idea how much work goes into them. Lots! and lots and lots.....
8. My camera broke. I love photos - posting them, looking at them, editing them, taking them. I have been sort of lost without it. My dear friend Brandy has loaned me her spare and I hope to get to know that camera on my upcoming trip to MI. I also an starting to research cameras so if you have one you love, send me an email on the particulars.
So, with all that going on, there is a mess of things not getting calls, father's day cards (still sitting on the desk, not one word written in them), blogging. It's a work in progress.
The kids and I are heading to MI for 12 days on Friday. Really, really looking forward to the time with dear friends and family. I hope you all are having an amazing summer.
May you be happy, May you be safe, May you be healthy, May you have ease in living. I love you!