light, crisp, refreshing...and they are not even paying me to say so!

The Moms got me hooked on this tasty little beverage. Since I am breastfeeding and am looking at still another 9 months or so ahead of me before I can enjoy an alcoholic drink on a regular basis, finding tasty non-alcoholic drinks is a challenge. All day long I am a simple water with lemon girly (or a guiltily consumed Diet Coke midday), but come boring is that!! Once and a while it is nice to switch it up. Regular ice tea is popular down here but it is too bitter for me and I definitly don't need the sugar in sweet tea. Anyways, I mention this Snapple Diet Green Tea because it is so darn hard to find. The only place down here that carries it, very irregularly, is Kroger...which I hate to shop at (I've bought bad meat there twice now and Bruce bought rancid milk there recently!) So, I figure, if we pass the tip and get more people hooked maybe it will be more widely available. I love the light crisp flavor and the pretty almost green color...and the fact that it is sugar free. Next time you see it, try it. I don't think you will be disappointed!


Anonymous said…
You are so lucky to get it. We haven't seen it for weeks in our L&L! I think they only order one case (12 bottles) and the word is out how good it is! The Moms

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