My knight in shining armor

This is the image I wake up to looming over the bed most mornings. Griffin is really adjusting well to having his sister around. If fact, more often these days we have to help him back off a little and give her a bit of space. I thought I would mention a few of his most heard remarks these days.
" I want to keep her for all the days...and name her Lucy!"
" Sunshine is my best dog Mama ever."
" Is she awake or asleep?" (shouted within 2 feet of Lucy)
" Is there room for me?" (every morning as he scoots into the middle of our bed, of course the answer is always YES)
" She woke up all by HERSELF" (usually told to me while I am in the shower)


4cheeseheads said…
Looking forward to mornings with Sir Knight Griffin when we visit this summer.
Too cute!

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