Mother's Day '08

Wow, that was the best Mama's day yet!! The best part was, all day I felt really loved and appreciated by my family. It ended up raining all day so there was no woods for us, but we did head to the state park anyways. They have an awesome restaurant there that sits on the edge of a cliff overlooking a twisty lake and we had a really nice lunch there. Both our kids were PERFECT all day, it was really lovely and unexpected. Here is a family photo for y'all. Bruce asked the oldest man in the place to take the photo and I don't think he had ever used a digital camera before. Lucy was yawning in the pic, but neither of us felt like asking him to take another. :) I hope all you other Mamas had a relaxing, loving day! We are doing good work here sisters, let's keep it up!


4cheeseheads said…
You have started to get a nice tan from being in all that sunshine down there. I'm jealous. I love the pic with Lucy yawning. It's real.
Christi Gast said…
Your right, it is real. When I look at it I think about how now with digital photography, photos like this usually get deleted and more taken until the "perfect" pose is captured. I wonder if I am missing a beautiful reality with my quest for "perfect" photos.
4cheeseheads said…
Yep I wonder the same thing too. When I go and edit my photos I try to sit back and look at what I have and not be so quick to hit the delete button. But all too often I choose the perfect shot. But I'm a crazy photography girl and I strive to choose the photo that best represents the special moment. Chris tries to remind me that the candid shots sometimes are the best ones.

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