Today is the day! ***

What a beautiful day, an amazing moment in time, a turning point in this country's direction. Since I first mentioned President Obama in this blog, back in January 2006, I have hoped, wished and worked for this day to come. How amazing is it that we live in a country where our voices are heard, our opinions asked for, our decisions respected!?!? How amazing are the results when Americans unite together to become BETTER together! I am ready to be led into our future by this amazing family. Today I wish for peace, joy and celebration for everyone.
***Update*** I just have to say how moving it was for me to see the President and First Lady dancing to "At Last" last night, as that was the song first song Bruce and I danced to at our wedding. Feeling the Love.


Anonymous said…
I cannot believe we are able to witness something so amazing, so monumental and to a lot of us something that at one time seemed unachievable. Today is a day to celebrate indeed! Tomorrow though we
must all roll up our sleeves and do our part to save this country, save the earth, and ultimately save the human race. May God protect us and the Obama family!!!

Love to you all,
Anonymous said…
Beautiful picture Christi! Yes, It was a remarkable day and I echo Gabriella's is for ALL of us to be part of solutions!! And we have a leader that recognizes that thus lies our greatness! Love, Mom

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