Wrap it Up

Our summer library friends in the place we like to have lunch on Wednesdays: Carlie, Lucy, Jacob, Griffin, Jenna, Myles and Gabe. We will miss the bigun's this fall!
Well, that is about all the vacation photos I have. The last day we spent at the beach and then had a HUGE seafood feast...especially enjoyed by those who like seafood. There were oysters and clams and lobsters, oh my. It was a nice time to be with family and friends one last night. We took off on Saturday morning early to drive the two days home...and here we are.
I can't believe that it is the end of summer officially, Griffin starts first grade tomorrow! We went to orientation last night and met his wonderful teacher, Ms. Wright. Griffin also realized that a few kids from his class last year, his best buddy from last year, a good friend from pre-school, a good friend from the library and a good friend from soccer are all in his class. He is soooo excited to get started. I volunteered to help the teacher prepare weekend folders so I will be in the class for an hour or so most Friday afternoons with another Mom. I am really looking forward to being involved with the school that way!
Jessica and family are coming tomorrow, through the weekend so blogging may not happen for a few days. Take care dear ones!


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