Flat bread with Arugula, Asparagus and fried eggs

We are having an amazing time trying new recipes out for our Meatless Mondays. It is giving us a chance to try out meals that highlight vegetables that we are not very familiar with. Arugula is one such vegetable. This recipe starts with an arugula based pesto-like spread on flat bread. We don't have so much time on Monday nights so for our first try of this recipe we just bought fresh flat bread. It ended up getting over cooked so next time we will definitely make this recipe on pizza dough. This meal was absolutely delicious. Bruce and I totally loved it. The kids were not crazy about it, but it was easy enough just to cook a few eggs up and some toast for them. I cannot wait to make this again!!! For those of you not ready to go meatless at dinner, this would make for an amazing brunch dish!


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