3 weeks old

RRRRrumble.....I was sort of awaken (actually just drifting back off to sleep after nursing) by a little earthquake - 5.2, last night. For a minute I was scared, thought someone was trying to break in and woke Bruce in a panic. We have an antique sewing machine right outside our bedroom door and it was shaking like it was turned on....so unless this house is haunted by seamstresses past, I figured we were in an earthquake. Living in southern California for a few years, I have experienced my share of quakes and recognized the feeling. Well, we are OK, the house is OK, in fact, I don't think there has been any damage to anything in town.

So here are a few funnies for the week. I took Griffin into his future elementary school for the pre-school screening. They are looking for a developmental delays and then the state will provide whatever help is needed to get all the kids up to speed in time for kindergarten- a really awesome program. Anyways, they came over to us and told Griffin it was time for his hearing test. He quickly grabbed his earlobes and shook his head violently, " no, no thank you, I don't need earrings." Uh, yeah, you definitely need that hearing test though. After the test they brought him back to me and the lady was giggling. She told me they had tried to give him a tooth brush as a reward for sitting still but he wouldn't accept it because "I already have one at home." As much as I would love to believe this is a result of our green teaching that we don't need to buy/consume excess I really think it's because the one they were giving him is not nearly as cool as his spaceman toothbrush at home. Then it was time for him to take the cognitive test. The therapist sat down with me afterward to let me know that Griff had done exceptionally well on the test, in fact he had only missed 1 question out of 100. She asked him, "Where is your chest?" to which he replied, "At home!". His pirate treasure chest that is. The speech therapist did pick up a few issues of letter swapping, the same that had prompted me to bring him that day. She gave me a few exercises to work on at home and he will be reevaluated in 6 weeks or so. If they do not help him, we will definitely start with some speech therapy in the fall - I am eager to nip that in the bud.

Last night we had our first look at a cranky Lucy. I can't even say she cried but she was just uncomfortable and irritable. After nursing for what seemed like HOURS she finally fell asleep in her swing and we were able to get some sleep. If this is as bad as it gets, we are really lucky parents. Just have to squeeze in a nap this afternoon!
Hope you all have a great weekend. Griffin has his first soccer game tomorrow morning so we will start our weekend off with a bang!


4cheeseheads said…
You had me laughing for a good minute on the "no earrings!" line. I loved it. I could just see him doing that.
I'm impressed with the effort your school is taking to prep the preschoolers. Let's you know you have been doing a good job so far to prepare Griffin for the school years.
Jake will not go through that to get into preschool. During his preschool year (in January and again in May) they give a test to determine if they are ready for Kindergarten.
I haven't been able to teach him as much as I wanted this past year. But we tried. There are some things Jake just doesn't want to pick up on. But others like printing letters and drawing faces/figurines he's doing great at. So I guess it's a give or take on how ready he'll be.
Loving all the detailed posts you have been writing.
Hope Lucy is doing okay today. Probably the all night buffet she enjoyed is a growth spurt.
Anonymous said…
As they say, kids say the darnest things. I love lilacs also. Can't wait to plant some in Colo. Lucy is so beautiful. I loved the little half smile in your lastes posting. This past weekend we thought she looked like Ross, but now I really see your mom. We had a great time.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the laugh. Griffin sure is funny. I hope you get that nape in. Have a great weekend.

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