Hey all. We are doing so, so well down here in 'Tucky! Little Lucy is still the best little Sprout we could hope for. She wakes 3 times a night to nurse but the whole thing takes about 20 minutes and she is right back to sleep...who could imagine it at 2 weeks old? We are starting to teach her how to enjoy a "plug" (pacifier) so that has helped her through her, like 5 minutes a day, of crankiness. Bruce has started doing tummy time with her and we were shocked that she is already trying to pick her little noggin up! I sometimes feel like I am walking around, holding my breath, waiting for the other foot to drop. Our pediatrician has been monitoring her weight because she dropped 11 ounces in her first 2 days of life (very normal!) and she is almost back to her birth weight. So healthy and strong!
I had a check up with my O.B. today. Looks like I am healing up wonderfully and the restrictions have been much lessened. I have to go back in a month for one more check. We were delighted to hear our doctor say that although I have had 2 c-sections, my body is strong and she would be glad to guide us through another pregnancy. Bruce and I really believe we are DONE having kids and ready to sit back and enjoy these two precious beings that we have been gifted with, but still, it is good to know my body would be up for the challenge again if we change our minds in the future. I have not experienced the hormone drop that I did after having Griffin and I feel so happy!! I know that at some point this may catch up with me and the tears may start a' flowin', but for now...it's all a bed of roses.
Griffin has started playing soccer (pictures to come shortly...just waiting for the team jerseys). His team is the Cracker Jacks. His group has a nice mix of girls and boys, experienced (for a 4 yr. old, of course) and not so experienced. He has just had one practice so far, but has asked every day if it is a soccer day yet. I am excited for him to start to experience activities and hobbies that may bring him joy and satisfaction for years to come.
Bruce is doing great. His job is just the right mix of routine and challenge to be enjoyable to him most every day. He has been walking to work every decent day we have and is looking forward to increasingly warmer days. He is feeling eager to get out into the yard and start to make it his own. We have been pleasantly surprised seeing what is popping up out there...we bought this house in late fall and a lot of plants had already finished their season. He spends every minute he can playing with Griff and cuddling his baby girl...when he is not taking care of me that is.
Little Miss Sunshine is the light of our household as usual. Being the house matriarch, her position hasn't changed since Lucy came home. She spends more and more time dozing on a sunny patch of rug these days, but at 12 yrs. old, we feel so grateful for her presence.
I will try to start adding words to my blog posts more often, but at the very least, I will continue to keep posting new pics.
Take care dear ones.


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