Spectacular Moment

Lucy smiled for the first time last Wednesday. It was such a beautiful moment of suprise. We have since seen her happy face a few times each day but it is so special I rarely think to grab the camera. This is the best I've been able to do so far but I thought I would still share them.


Anonymous said…
Christi - She is a beauty! My heartfelt congratulations to you! I look forward to hopefully meeting her someday! I continue to be impressed with your writing abilities - your blog is always a pleasure to read. I found myself catching up on your whole year today! Jacob saw me reading on the computer and asked what I was doing. I explained to him that his buddy Griffin now had a new baby sister, and that I was reading all about her. He said to me "I want to go to her house someday!" So it looks like Jacob is also looking forward to meeting Lucy someday! :-) Many blessings to you, Bruce, Griffin and Lucy as you mold into this new, beautiful family of four! -Marybeth

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