Sorry for the silence over here. I have literally been knocked onto my backside by a terrible case of strep throat. UGH. It has been ugly around here. Luckily, Bruce's work was super flexible and he was able to be here most of Mon, Tues and Weds to take care of the kids. It got kind of scary a couple of times, I don't remember ever being that sick. It reminded me of my c-section recovery - that tells you something!! The worst point was when the Dr. said she thought I had the swine flu - that was really scary. Thankfully that test came back negative!! And, it is a new day and I feel a bit better. Bruce is going to work the full day and I hope to get a few things cleaned up around here. I'll try to get some pictures posted at least by the end of the weekend. Hope you are all healthy, happy and enjoying fall, wherever you are!


Anonymous said…

Hope that makes you feel better!

Love ya,
Anonymous said…
Take it easy this weekend. Don't over do it. I'm glad you are a little better.


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