Nightmare becomes reality

I had the worst 2 minutes of my life yesterday. I am not exaggerating, they were THE WORST!
So, I am at Walmart, (OK, OK, I hear you heavily sighing with disappointment. I know Walmart is the worst, soulless, earth destroying, people abusing, resource wasting, small business crushing company in the whole world...seriously, I really do. BUT, I challenge any of you to live here in Madisonville with 2 young kids for one month and see if you don't break down and shop there occasionally too! Remember, we are 20 miles from no where and with the price of gas these days.....) and I am finishing up the grocery shopping in the produce department. I have the baby in the Maya wrap and Griffin is walking beside me. Griffin was chattering on, debating whether strawberries or blueberries were his favorite fruit. "Oh yeah, I love pears too, and don't forget about blackberries Mama. ohhh and APPLES!" I reached the strawberry stand and was digging through the moldy, fruit fly infested pints praying for some fresh berries, literally a 30 second endeavor, when I turn around and realize it is quiet. TOO QUIET. OMG, GRIFFIN IS GONE. I frantically looked around the vicinity yelling his name and yelling at the people around me that "MY BOY IS GONE! HE IS MISSING!" A clerk came running over and asked what he was wearing and within 10 seconds they were reporting his description over the loudspeaker. At this point I literally have to force my body to move. My brain went into a numbing shock and I very nearly collapsed on the floor in hysterics. I was only about 20 feet from the door and all I could think is that someone had stolen him. I start running around the area screaming his name and crying when I hear a lady yelling "Miss, Miss, we've found him." I turned around and there he was running towards me with a store clerk in tow. I can't tell you how hard I hugged that boy, so hard we squished Lucy in the sling and woke her up.
You can imagine the MANY conversations we have had with Griffin since then. He says he just didn't see me so he started walking to the check-out thinking I would be getting ready to go. I have no idea why he would think that but I am just so thankful I noticed before he got all the way out to the parking lot.
In the past I have rolled my eyes and passed judgement on people who leashed or harnessed their children. No more my friends. While I would still never see that as an option for us, if it saves one other parent from the feelings I had in those 2 minutes he was gone, then have at it! I share this story to remind all of you that are responsible for young ones - keep the eyes in the back of your head peeled at all times!


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