We are doing MUCH better today! Poor little Lucy was miserable yesterday, for the first time in her little life she had moments when she was inconsolable. Finally about 9:30 she passed out but she was restless all night. When she woke up this morning she seemed to be feeling much better. I am hoping all 3 of us enjoy a long nap here in a few minutes!
So, on to the snakes! We went to a very cool reptile show in Evansville last Saturday. Bruce wanted to go there and to a blues festival to celebrate Father's Day, so off we went.
The reptile show was great. Many, many different types of snakes (a favorite of mine), some turtles and even a few lizards. Griffin had the opportunity to hold all different kinds of reptiles - not even a hint of hesitation from him, our brave little guy. There was even an old drunk (we strongly suspected) guy giving a seminar about snakes. He kept eating circus peanuts that Bruce and I thought sure were supposed to be for the snakes and talking about how he could be rented for birthday parties. Uhhhh, yeah, I am thinking NO WAY!

It was held at a nature center so afterward we were able to take a walk in the cool damp woods - so refreshing!! We are very glad to have found this place and know we will have many more adventures there.
I will try to post some blues fest pics tomorrow....off to dreamy land, hopefully!


4cheeseheads said…
Yikes! I do not like snakes. No way would I be that close to them. I'm impressed that Griffin dove right into them. But it probably helps that Mama and Papa like them too.

The photos make it look like an amazing exhibit. So happy to hear you had a wonderful Father's Day weekend together.

Poor Lucy. Hopefully all the effects of the vaccines are done and over with and she can get some rest. Sometimes it can take up to a week or more before all symptoms from them go away. I'm sure you'll be dreading the next time she needs the shots. For the next round she'll be bigger and stronger and her body can be ready for them. I'm sending her lots of hugs and kisses from us to make her feel better.

The Webbers
Talina said…
What brave little guy! I freak out with snakes and bugs. Great photos!

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