38 Weeks Old

Lucy is getting so mobile. She can easily creep from the kitchen to her bedroom...in pursuit of her brother, of course. I have to really keep an eye on her as she is reaching that "OH, electrical plug, that looks interesting, maybe I should stick my little wet finger in there" stage. She is working hard on getting herself into a sitting position from crawling, and can do it about 80% of the time. She is still stranger shy - She was cooing at and smiling at Bruce's co-workers at their Christmas luncheon, but if they made a move to hold her she cried instantly. Hoping we grow out of this stage soon.

Griffin has been helping by feeding Lucy her breakfast while I make his. This is fun for both of them, but oy, what a mess!

*Notice how Griffin had gotten himself dressed the night before...mismatched pj's with the shirt on backwards. I just love that he takes the initiative most evenings and many mornings to get himself dressed. He still will wear clothes I lay out, but he prefers it if I let him do it.*


Anonymous said…
Lucy is so cute. That's wonderful that Griffin is such a big help. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Jennifer W

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