Munn's School

Last Saturday was a great, busy day. I am a member of the Pennyrile Herb Club and on Saturday they held their annual craft fair/ Munn's school open house. Munn's school is a one room schoolhouse built (I am guessing here) in the late 1800's. We actually had a man drop by on Saturday with a bell. It was the bell his Mama used when she was a teacher there in 1905. Very cool. As far as I know, our group is the only one that uses this building anymore. I love that - the preservation, the respect for those that have gone before us, the reuse of things built to last. One member is even been given grant money to preserve some of the photos of the building and to right a book detailing the history. Before the event, the club came together to clean the building and decorate the tree. On Saturday I was even on the front page of our local paper, with another member, decorating the tree. I sold some things I have been making for Lucy...reversible bibs and burp clothes. It was the first time I had sold things I made. Although, I did not sell alot, I got good feedback and had a great time. After the event ended at 2, I ran home and picked up the family so we could pick out our Christmas tree. We got home just in time for Griffin and I to bundle up and head down to Main St. (2 blocks away) for the Christmas parade at 5. Lucy wasn't feeling great so Bruce stayed home with her. Griffin and I carried our 2 camp chairs, 2 quilts, 2 mugs of hot chocolate and 1 candy cane to the parade route. We froze our tushies off, but we had a great time. I really think Griffin's favorite part (besides the Grinch and Santa, both in the parade) was the candy cane and hot chocolate - such a HUGE treat for him.


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