Oh, Christmas Tree

We still, and probably will always, have a live Christmas trees. Maybe it is not the easiest or most environmentally friendly choice, but I love it. The smell is something I look forward to all year long. This year, Griffin was so much help. He helped Bruce big time with putting on the lights.Lucy was happy to eat her "O's" and watch the show, Sunshine was happy to be the vacuum cleaner. Even though Sunshine is a solid 12 1/2 now and sleeps most of the day, whenever all 4 of us are in the room together, she is sure to join us. I love that she still does not want to miss family gatherings. We are so thankful to get yet another holiday with her.

I always put up the ribbon, I think it really adds that extra "something".

Griffin was so much help in hanging the ornaments, he did the bottom third of the tree. Every year for Christmas, we have given him his own ornament and so has my Mom so now he has his own little stash. This year he was really into looking at each one, talking about what it meant, how old he was when he got it. When we plugged in the lights it was like turning on his Christmas spirit. He was soooo happy, all smiles. We spent a lot of time talking about what he wanted for Christmas (oucho the dinosaur) what Lucy might want (he thought a rolling toy) and what he would leave out for Santa and his flying deers (cookies and broccoli). We sat for a good half hour in the dark, with only the tree shining and enjoyed our hard work. It was really special.


4cheeseheads said…
I enjoyed reading about the family bonding time you had while decorating the tree. We are the same and will always buy REAL trees, not those fake ones.

But this year we are missing out on it all. We are not going to be in Michigan for Christmas and didn't put a tree up. We are leaving next weekend for a 2 week Florida vacation to Fort Myers Beach. My mom, Carli, Mike and Riley will all be there too. I'm sad the kids don't get to experience the tree this year but instead I'll replace it with some cheesy Florida type Christmas celebration stuff (I'm scared what that may be?).

Anyway, your tree is gorgeous (as always). Griffin is a great helper and when I was a kid my family sat in the dark next to the newly lit tree and watched it too. It brought back nice memories for me when you mentioned that you do that too.

Love ya all.

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