Day 2 without Griffin

Today is going MUCH better than yesterday.
I was so eager to pick Griffin up yesterday, waiting in the pickup line was torture and produced tears of frustration. I started crying again when I saw him walking out of the school, him looking like such a big boy. Even Lucy let out a cry of glee when he got into the car!
Griffin was soooo exhausted after school. After a few "Yeah, it was a good day."'s and "I don't remember" 's, I let him have a snack a veg out for a few minutes. We had a great dinner party and I think Griffin really felt excited, realizing this is a big moment for him.
This morning he woke up GRUMPY. I had to wake him up and that started us out on the wrong foot. So much so that by the time it came to dropping him off this morning, I did not feel like fact, it felt ok to let him go. Lucy on the other hand, did not like seeing Griffin get out of the car alone and cried for "Brutha!!" the whole way home. It was cute in a really sad way.

I took the opportunity yesterday and today (and hopefully all the school days) to have a really intense workout finished with yoga and some meditation time. I had got out of the daily habit during vacation this summer and am eager to get back into a routine. I am realizing that during Lucy's nap time, I can use that time for ME now! WOOHOO!! I like using a Denise Austin DVD for working out and yoga. She is not so cheesy, acting like it is fun to work out or something. She is more like, "Hey, if you want to lose that fat ass, you better get moving," and I really appreciate that sentiment. Also her sets, music and outfits are pretty calm, which I like. I have been trying alot of different styles of mediation, everything from working from a book by Thich Nhat Hanh, to free Zen Buddhist mediation's online. Honestly, I really like the ones found at this website, in the "Mediation Tree" page. They are guided meditations, and they have been really helpful to me. Afterward, I feel clear and relaxed and energized and HAPPY. If any of you have any suggestions of favorite workout DVD's that I could Netflix or any meditation methods that have worked for you, I would love to hear about them!


Anonymous said…
Hey! Marianne Williamson has a meditation CD I love, it concentrates on relationships, money,success and health. Through my digital cable I get Exercise T.V. on Demand I love it because it has a large variety of workouts like Bollywood dancing,salsa, hip hop dance, abs of steel etc...if you don't have that I suggest mixing it up a lot and netflix a variety of DVDs it really makes working out more fun! I have been working out and running a lot too so we should keep each other posted on are progress!

MountainWave said…
CONGRATULATIONS GRIFFIN (and Mama) on your first two days of school buddy!! We are sooooooooooo proud of you. Wish we could be there to hear some stories. We'll have to give you a call soon. Which story from your new school would you like to tell?? Love you all. Big hugs from MI. xoxo Sara and Leo

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