Just the begining...

Every year, Bruce's employer holds a trick-or-treating evening where each department hands out candy. It is kind of the kick off event for Halloween week. We went last night and this is what Lucy and Griffin came home with. YEAH, it's A LOT. And we are going trick or treating two more times. Yeah, I will be donating a ton of it!!! The best part of the evening was how in to it Lucy was. Once she realized these scary strangers were giving her candy, well, she just marched right up to them with her bag open. She really loved to just stop and stare at those that had taken the time to dress up. I wish I could have read her thoughts!!


4cheeseheads said…
How wonderful that Lucy stepped out of her comfort zone and approached others. Sounds like she really loved it. That is fantastic. Have a great time on Saturday evening around the neighborhood.

Jake and Casey came home from school today with large loots of candy as well. Casey was able to dress up at school and had a wonderful time. Unfortunately they don't let the K-8 kids dress up, which I think is a bummer. We are looking forward to having a Halloween party at our house this Friday night with family and friends. Then the big trick or treating event on Saturday evening. Cousins Gavin and Riley are going to be visiting and can join in on the fun with Jake and Casey.
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